Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection Part 2
Here are more remedies from the last post.
Pure Apple Cider Vinegar Douche. Douching on a regular basis can upset vaginal pH balance, but in cases of yeast infections, douching with vinegar can help restore balance to the vagina. Mix 1 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar with 1 quart water.
Add Probiotics to Your Daily Regimen. These good bacteria can restore balance to the body and fight back excessive growth of yeast infection-causing fungi. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement or found in a number of foods, such as yogurt.
Try Tea Tree Oil. The natural antibacterial and antiviral properties of tea tree oil make it useful for treating yeast infections. Undiluted, tea tree oil can cause burning and irritation, so be sure to mix it with water for direct application. For this reason, tea tree oil is best used for skin-related yeast infections and thrush.
Yeast Infection Natural Remedies
- Keep it lose, keep it dry. Yeast grows best in warm, moist conditions with little oxygen, so for vaginal yeast infections, be sure to dry the vaginal area after bathing or showering, and wear breathable underwear that doesn’t fit too tightly. Avoid wearing nylon panty hose, and change out of a wet bathing suit as soon as possible after swimming.
- Avoid feminine products. The companies that produce feminine hygiene sprays want to you to think that their products will keep you clean and healthy—but that’s far from the truth. These heavily scented products can irritate the vagina and upset the pH balance, leading to growing conditions for yeast infections.
- Stay clean. Wash up with a mild soap that won’t cause irritation. Be sure to wash your clothes thoroughly (this might be a time to consider the hot water cycle), and change your towels regularly to avoid passing the infection on to other members of the household.

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Welcome to Yefense, an Aalou Health International Brand.
Welcome to, a women’s nutritional company devoted to producing products of the highest quality to aid women in their daily lives.
Aalou Health International is the proud developers of the health supplement Yefense™.
Women’s well-being is at the heart of Aalou Health International. We provide important products and information that address women’s needs.
The brains behind the company and products are women who love the idea of natural and organic foods, herbs, and supplements. Our passion for preventative health care is demonstrated through our quality of products.
As long time users, researchers, and advocates of natural products; our development of a powerful combination of “friendly” bacteria changed our lives in 2005.
After researching and surveying many women who had concerns with their woman’s body with “down-there” problems, our passion allowed us to share the formula that could change every woman’s life. Aalou created and branded Yefense™ in 2006 and built a dedicated, healthy customer base. Yefense’s customers keep returning for this little pill that does so much for a woman’s body.
Within a few short years, the success of Yefense® prompted us to expand our efforts to educate women on their health. Aalou believes in taking our health into our own hands through educating ourselves and incorporating preventative, natural methods into our “health-style.” And doing so alleviates unnecessary doctor visits, medical bills, and prescriptions drugs, which may harm other systems of the body.