Apetamin Weight Gainer 2 Bottles FREE Ship - Only $65
Made for Women by Women
$ 65.00 $ 80.00
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"The Apetamin lady is the truth. I was able to gain 11 pounds in 2 weeks off this stuff. I've always looked like a boy even with 4 kids but this syrup actually worked for me. Her tips really were on point to help me gain weight esp my booty. My hubby now calls me Thickems! Thank you so much Ms Tala, this has truly been a blessing."

Frequently Asked Questions:
Does Apetamin really work?
Yes, it does for most but not all. Just like any supplement results vary. Please check with your doctor before use. Apetamin syrup works by helping you eat more to gain weight NOT just by taking. Calories are really important if you truly want to gain. We send tips to help with suggestions that our customers love bc they actually get you to your weight goals faster.
Is Apetamin safe for everybody?
No, Apetamin is not safe for everybody’s health. Cyproheptadine hydrochloride, its antihistamine component, can weaken your immune system and cause liver failure if abused.
Is Apetamin safe for pregnant women and infants?
No, it is unsafe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants.
Can Apetamin be taken on an empty stomach?
Taking Apetamin before a meal is advised, but it should not be taken on an empty stomach. Follow your doctor's prescription.
Is it recommended to use Apetamin while suffering from any allergy?
Do not use Apetamin if you have allergies and are already taking antihistamines. It can weaken your immune system further.
How long does it take to see improvements?
You may feel some improvements immediately, but noticeable changes may take at least a week. Consult your doctor for better judgment.
Can I drive while taking Apetamin?
No, it is not recommended to drive or operate any vehicle while taking Apetamin as it can cause side effects like dizziness, vision impairment, and palpitations.
Should I stop using Apetamin immediately?
Consult your doctor before making any decisions. If there are no more disease symptoms and you have reached a healthy weight, you should stop taking Apetamin.
What is an antihistamine?
Antihistamines are given in response to an allergic reaction to control severe symptoms. Cyproheptadine hydrochloride is an example of an antihistamine.
Can I take Apetimin with grape juice?
Taking Apetamin weight gainer with grape juice can lead to unwanted reactions like a metabolic failure and increased cell toxicity levels in the blood.
Is "Apetamin Syrup" Effective for Children's Growth?
Many people struggle with gaining or losing weight; in some cases, it can be related to genetics or underlying health conditions. Recently, a supplement called apetamin has gained popularity as a potential solution to weight gain. Apetamin is available in syrup and tablet forms and consists of vitamins, amino acids, and cyproheptadine hydrochloride. However, there are concerns about the effectiveness and safety of this supplement, especially when given to children.
This article will discuss how apetamin works, its dosage requirements, benefits, and drawbacks, and why it is even illegal in some countries.

Apetamin's Mechanism of Action:
Although it is unclear how apetamin works, some scientists believe its active ingredient, cyproheptadine hydrochloride, works as a weight gainer. These are some of the ways;
Insulin-like Growth Factor
One of the ways that Apetamin works is by intensifying the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), also known as somatomedin. This hormone fuels the growth of the body and lowers blood glucose levels. Apetamin has shown positive effects on children with malnutrition and stunted growth, leading to the plumping of the body.
Nervous Development
Apetamin also contains B vitamins, including B1, B3, B5, and B6, which support healthy nervous development. Cyproheptadine hydrochloride affects the hypothalamus, a small portion of the human brain that regulates food intake, appetite, and metabolism and releases other hormones.
Protein Source
Apetamin syrup contains lysine, an essential amino acid important for proper bodily function. Lysine cannot be produced by the body and must be ingested through food. Research has shown that lysine can increase animal appetite, although its effect on human growth is not confirmed.
Components of Apetamin:
Cyproheptadine hydrochloride is an antihistamine that relieves allergy-related symptoms such as sneezing, runny noses, watery eyes, and itching. It triggers side effects because it is an antihistamine. The amino acid in apetamin is lysine, which is important for operating properly and must be ingested in food into our metabolism. It is not evident through research that lysine helps in growth, but it has demonstrated increased animal appetite.
Benefits of Apetamin for Weight Gain:
Apetamin has been proven to cause an increase in cravings and weight in children suffering from malnutrition.
Weight Gain Syrup: Apetamin is effective in helping individuals gain weight. In a study conducted on sixteen children with malnutrition, Apetamin caused an increase in cravings and weight in comparison to a placebo group. Women who lost their appetite after pregnancy have also used it to get their figure back.
Building Strong Muscles: Apetamin has also been used to build muscle, especially in sports such as weightlifting, wrestling, and bodybuilding competitions. Both men and women use Apetamin weight gainer pills vitamins to change their body shape and develop more curves.

Dosage of Apetamin:
The recommended dosage of Apetamin for children is half to one tablespoon (5ml) of syrup twice or thrice daily before eating. It is important to follow the dosage prescribed by a doctor and not increase it to observe faster results. Exercise is also important to ensure that Apetamin has an equivalent effect on every body part.
Apetamin Syrup Contraindications
A report from the Democratic Republic of Congo indicates that misuse of apetamin has led to obesity in many individuals. It is important to understand the various downsides of apetamin, which cannot be ignored despite its benefits.
Apetamin syrup is associated with several common side effects, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, chest congestion, burning sensations in the skin, dizziness, dry mouth, nose, and throat, sore sinuses, insomnia, palpitations, muscle weakness, jaundice, and hyperactivity or excitement in children.
Acute Side Effects
Some acute side effects of apetamin syrup include urinary problems, difficulty seeing straight, blurriness of vision, and excessive nervousness leading to trembling and nervous breakdown. Patients have also experienced life-threatening obesity and liver toxicity due to cyproheptadine hydrochloride in the syrup, which may lead to liver failure.
Effect on the Liver
Apetamin syrup contains cyproheptadine hydrochloride, which can be toxic to the liver. The liver removes toxic elements and metabolizes drugs or supplements consumed. Continuous misuse of apetamin syrup can be difficult for the liver to handle and ultimately lead to liver failure. Suppressing the immune system's response to allergic compounds also weakens the immune system. A large amount of apetamin syrup can prevent the immune system from recognizing disease-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Interaction with Other Medications
One of the major concerns with Apetamin, a supplement marketed for weight gain and appetite stimulation, is its potential to interact negatively with other medications. Cyproheptadine hydrochloride, the active ingredient in Apetamin, can interact with Parkinson's medications, antidepressants, and antihistamines, weakening the immune response. Additionally, apetamin may interact with certain substances, such as grape juice, alcohol, antibiotics, atropine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, barbiturates, sedatives, and neuroleptics.
Avoid the Following Conditions
In addition to its potential to interact with other medications, certain medical conditions make taking Apetamin dangerous. For example, individuals with bladder neck obstruction, stenosing peptic ulcer, glaucoma with angular closure, or debilitated should avoid taking Apetamin. It is also hazardous for infants and children under five years of age, as breast milk can transfer the drug to them.
Due to safety concerns and severe downsides, Apetamin is not legalized in certain countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the pharmaceutical approval committee in the U.S., has banned Apetamin from the market due to cyproheptadine hydrochloride and other harmful components. The FDA has also seized any export of Apetamin in the U.S. Despite this ban, people still obtain Apetamin from illegal websites and can become addicted, leading to dangerous outcomes.
Although the public is informed about its risks, the demand for Apetamin remains high, and the illegal consumption of the drug continues to increase. In response, the FDA has assigned harsh punishment to anyone found selling Apetamin in the United States. However, TIL Healthcare, the Indian-based company behind Apetamin, still produces other products containing cyproheptadine hydrochloride.
Final thoughts
When considering supplements, it is important to be cautious of immediate marketing schemes and to prioritize your health. Other supplements on the market besides Apetamin and Apetamin pills can cause harm. Avoiding illegal medications and supplements banned in other nations, including the U.S. and the U.K., is advisable. Consult a therapist before using supplements, and prioritize your health over marketing tactics. Remember, health is a precious gift that should not be compromised.
Apetamin is an antihistamine medication primarily used to treat allergic conjunctivitis. Aside from allergic rhinitis, it can also treat dermatographism, loss of appetite, and cold urticaria. However, using Apetamin syrup may result in common side effects such as constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, dryness of the mouth, nose, or throat, and blurred vision. Do not drive as this may cause drowsiness. Speak to your Primary Physician before use.
The main ingredients of Apetamin are Cyproheptadine, Lysine, and various vitamins, including Vitamin-A, Thiamine/B-1, C, D, and Vitamin E. These components are commonly used in medications for allergies, headaches, anorexia, cachexia, and severe malnutrition. Although it may cause temporary side effects such as drowsiness, increased appetite, and decreased metabolic rate, these effects are typically short-lived. They tend to dissipate as the body adjusts to the dosage.
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